Saturday, April 4, 2009

In my own land...

It was in the early part of 2007 that I went back to teaching part time in a music specialist capacity. This was very enjoyable, a break from being Mum and a chance to feel fulfilled. It was also during this time that my husband and got the wonderful news (a surprise) that we were going to have another baby.
I admit we had started trying but didn't think I would become pregnant so soon as it took us a while to conceive the first time.

I was the first one in the Mother's group to fall pregnant, however they appeared to be very supportive and caring around this time.
I suffered with 'morning sickness' for the first trimester and found that I wasn't get the support and understanding that I expected from my husband so it was a relief to get support from my Mother's group friends.....

When it came to hosting the catch ups I was told that other mums could do this (to give me a rest or that we would hold it at a park (even though I was happy to host!)
Of course later down the track this would be twisted and used against me....

I do remember that even then Julie* had suggested that I find another playgroup..if only I headed her warning!


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