Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Journey from the beginning

My Journey began almost four years ago when I first discovered that I was pregnant. I was so ecstatic as my husband and I had been trying for almost two years without any luck!

I was still working at the time so time flew by quickly...
Nine months later I gave birth to a beautiful girl called Ella*, who became our pride and joy.

Nothing can prepare you for Motherhood (no matter how many books you read!) as every situation is different and it depends on you as well. Some people seem to be more relaxed, others are nervous...everyone is different.

I had no idea how challenging breast feeding can be (the attachment;how painful it can be initially) and I had breasts that felt like boulders because they were engorged with milk.
I actually had to use breast pads as I often experienced leakage.

This accompanied by sleepless nights can leave one feeling like "What have I done?!". However with the support of family, friends and the health center it became easier.
Where we live, after you give birth to your baby they get you in touch with Maternal health nurses and your local Maternal Health center so that you have support and can join a 'supportive Mother's group.

Initially you meet (as a mother's group) at the center once a week where you learn how to take care of your baby. When these classes are finished they encourage you to stay in contact with your mother's group so that you can be there as support and possibly friends to one another.

I was quite positive about this as a close friend of mine had a fabulous Mother's group that she is still in touch with since the birth of her son (He is eleven).
So I was open to meeting once a week or fortnight at each others place or at the park.
This was a bonding session where we would chat about our day to day lives, any challenges we were experiencing and were able to give each other (at times helpful advice)

It became evident early on that we were all strong minded women (mostly older mums) but there seemed a genuine bond amongst everyone...or so I thought....

*names have been changed for privacy issues

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